Invited Talks
Computational Analysis of Marginalized Cultural Production. .
Paper Machines: A Tool for Analyzing Large-Scale Digital Corpora (with Jo Guldi). .
Conference Participation
AMIA + DLF Cross-Pollinator (travel award for Hack Day). .
Susurrant: A Tool for Algorithmic Listening in Networked Soundscapes. .
Algorithmic Listening in a Networked Soundscape. .
Exploring International Discourses about Effective Schools, Successful Schools, and School Leadership: A Topic Modeling Approach. .
Algorithmic Regulation of Queer of Color Cultural Production. .
Queer of Color Engagement with Participatory Media. .
Temporal and Regional Variation in Rap Lyrics (with Matthew Johnson-Roberson). .
Digital Ethnomusicology: The Affordances, Limitations, and Sociopolitical Implications of Digital Methodology (roundtable). .
An NEH-funded symposium for "30 accomplished digital humanities software developers". .
Black Queer Tumblr as a Space of Contact. .
Future Banjee: Emerging Aesthetics of Queer Black Masculinity. .
Hypertextual Signifyin(g) on Rap Genius. .
"Living My Life in the Margins": Hip-Hop and Digital Marginalia. .